There are many different jobs you can have in education across various countries. To get a little insight into what it’s like to work in education abroad, I interviewed a few different education workers all over the world!
1. Math Teacher in Malaysia
“I teach kids at all different ages and levels in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I do primarily stick try to math but I dabble in Science and English when needed. I work with students with learning disabilities and I help the top students in Malaysia apply to Universities in the U.S. I really do a little bit of everything, including graphic design of any recent marketing materials. On weekends I travel and blog about my adventures. Living in Asia has really opened up a whole different world to me!”
–Megan McFarland at The Adventurous Educator
2. English Editor for Kids News Site in Hong Kong
“I first started out teaching English in Hong Kong for a few years, before moving into writing and publishing in the education industry. I worked as an English Editor at Kids Dailies, a company that produced news websites and magazines for kids. The expat community in HK is small, so I heard about the job opening from a former colleague and friend, which is pretty typical in the industry. I was looking to move out of teaching into writing, so this was the perfect opportunity to use my teaching experience and write, as well as learn all kinds of other skills as well. It was honestly the best job I’ve ever had and Hong Kong is a fantastic city to live and work in!”
— Amy Poulton at The Page Traveler
3. College Counselor in China
For the last year and a half I’ve worked as a college counselor in China. My job is to help Chinese students apply to American universities (and sometimes British and Canadian schools). I meet with sophomores and juniors one-on-one to help them get comfortable speaking English, learn how to write creatively, and pick activities that suit them. I also help seniors with their college applications. We draft interesting essay ideas, conduct practice interviews and create eye-catching resumes.
Why did I take this job? Well, firstly I was kind of sick of teaching English. I wanted to try something new that didn’t involve grammar and basic sentence structures.
I also get paid significantly more than when I was a teacher. I have a great salary with benefits and plenty of opportunities for growth. The admissions consulting industry is BOOMING in China, as many students are fighting to get into top US universities. You can even work on your resume to jumpstart a career in international education or admissions when you get back home.
Are You Ready to Work Abroad in Education?
Teaching English may be the easiest way to find a job abroad, but it’s definitely not the only international education position out there. Have a look at our job boards and see if you can find any positions you like. You’ll be sure to find something that fits you and your unique talents, so you can make the most out of your international career!