Should you go abroad for undergraduate or postgraduate studies?

August 14, 2021 0 Comments

It is often a dilemma for students who plan to study abroad, to decide whether to go overseas right after their high school or wait till they have completed an undergraduate course in their home country and then venture onto unchartered territories abroad.  There are of course those who argue in favor of the former, while many others advocate the latter option and are all for the breadth and depth of experience that is gained by pursuing their overseas education at the undergraduate level.

Factors determining the best time to go for study abroad

What do our experts say? Well, the consensus isn’t that clear.  According to our expert counselors, the question does not have a one size fits all answer.  Whether you will be better off completing your under graduation at home or through overseas education depends on a lot of factors including your budget and your personality type. The cost of education at the undergraduate level is much higher in countries like USA, and UK when compared to countries like India.

Another factor that should play a role in the decision is your individual personality type! Some students are naturally at their ease in a new country and can adjust to a cultural shift like a duck takes to water, while there will be a few students who will be petrified at the thought of leaving their comfortable and familiar surroundings. If you are one of the latter, than it is definitely better to wait till you reach a more mature age to pursue your overseas education.

Also take into consideration your intentions for pursuing an abroad education in the first place. If your primary aim for studying abroad is to find work and eventually settle in the country of your alma-mater, then going there for under graduation will be your best bet. Countries such as Canada and Australia have the points system for immigration and permanent residence and completing your undergraduate studies in the country can earn you extra points. Also an undergraduate degree can make getting into a postgraduate course in the same university much easier and can also open doors for finding employment in the country.

As Simon Sinek has said, in his now-famous Ted talk, the best way to decide which course of action you will take is to ‘Find your why’. It is important that you first ask yourself why you want to go abroad for your studies. Is it to gain exposure to new cultures? Is it to improve your employment prospects in the future? Is it to impress family and friends back home? Knowing your reasons can help you make the most of your abroad education experience and can also help you decide whether to go overseas for your under graduation or wait till your post-graduation.

Another important source to tap into while deciding on your course of action is the wisdom and advice of your parents and other family members. They will know if you have the right temperament to venture out on your own right after high school when you are still a teenager, or whether it is best to wait till you are a tad more mature. Discussing with experts in the field can also be of great help in helping you decide. Contact our overseas education counselors at Global Tree for a free counseling session to help you decide on the best course of action.