Visa & Immigration

POST STUDY WORK VISA With World Politics going through a massive upheaval, going to study abroad has an added dimension: “The Post Study Work Visa”. Never heard of it? Don’t worry, because, in the next few paragraphs, you will find a detailed explanation of everything there is to know about it. Promise. WHAT IS A POST-STUDY […]

Singapore – A leading destination for education in APAC region

Singapore has been emerging as a premier hub for education in the Asia-Pacific region. Students from many countries across the world are opting to study in Singapore in various public and private universities. Many top universities in Singapore have been considered as global leaders in innovation and research and are considered amongst the highest ranked […]

How the Jobs That Immigrants Do Are Changing

Immigration was one of the most contentious issues in the 2016 presidential campaign. President-elect Trump pledged both to deport unauthorized immigrants and to restrict future immigration in order to “put American workers first.” And these promises resonated: support for Trump was stronger in areas with fewer immigrants but larger recent increases in the local immigrant population, and Trump did […]

Posted in USA

What Are the Jobs That Immigrants Do?

A major point of the current government administration’s immigration platform has been that immigrants are taking jobs that should go to native-born Americans. This has been extended to workers who were previously covered by guest worker visas; technically these workers are considered non-immigrants, so this is actually a much broader accusation. This statement covers undocumented […]

How to Get a Teaching Job Abroad

Once you understand the type of position you’re interested, what qualifications you need, and whether or not teaching abroad is right for you, it’s time to jump into the process of finding the right job. Although it may seem daunting, the following steps will help you make sure you’re prepared for this possible new career. […]

Posted in UAE


Why study abroad? Why would anyone want to study abroad in the first place? Studying abroad will help you stay ahead of the Indian students who opted to stay at home and study at local colleges and universities. An international Bachelor’s Degree has global recognition that will demonstrate that you have thrived and succeeded in […]